Titel/Projektbezeichnung: Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia (EGERA), Teilprojekt: Arbeitspaket 7 ("Dissemination")

Institutionelle Anbindung: Universität Vechta 

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Corinna Onnen (Universität Vechta)

Projektkoordination an der Universität Vechta: Dr. Sabine Bohne (Universität Vechta)

Projektmitarbeit: Dr. Sabine Bohne, Prof. Dr. Corinna Onnen und Insa Trenn (Universität Vechta)

Laufzeit: Januar 2014 - Dezember 2018

Förderinstitution: EU-Verbundprojekt (7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm der Europäischen Kommission, Science in Society)

Kontakt: sabine.bohne[at]uni-vechta.de

Link zur Projektwebsite: http://www.egera.eu

Kurzbeschreibung: EGERA intends to promote a full set of measures to achieve gender equality and fight gender-based stereotypes in research and the academia. EGERA is a tool for achieving two overarching objectives: (1) Gender equality in research and higher education and (2) bringing a gender perspective in research contents and outputs. EGERA pursues both an ambitious and pragmatical objective by tackling the opacity of recruitment and appraisal procedures, gender bias in evaluation and practices which contribute to slow down women's careers. A Europe-scale project EGERA brings together 8 research and higher education institutions from 7 EU member states + Turkey. Actions to be undertaken by respective partners shall to be also understood as a whole EGERA shall communicate a spirit of innovation, transparency and openness EGERA will constitute a label of equality, fairness and excellence.