Porträt Tummers

Lehrbeauftragte am Institut für Umweltplanung der Leibniz Universität Hannnover, an der Fachhochschule Erfurt, und den Architekturfakultäten in Barcleona und Madrid. Außerdem freischaffende Consultant für Baugruppen, Forscherin mit der Universität Twente und Forschungskoordinatorin bei ecovillage hannover


Leibniz Universität Hannover 
Institut für Umweltplanung
Herrenhäuser Str. 2
30419 Hannover
E-mail: tummers[at]umwelt.uni-hannover.de
Webseite des Instituts für Umweltplanung
Webseite des ecovillage hannover

  • Director of Tussen Ruimte, consulting engineers & participative design, founded 1999
  • Founding member of Collaborative Regional Research and Innovation Agency CORRINA, 2017
  • Part-time tutor-researcher at the Department Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Build Environment, TU Delft (since 2006)
  • University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) certificate obtained January 2015 at TU Delft
  • Short scientific missions at Manchester University (2017) Universitat Bodenkultur Vienna (2015); Brunel Technical University London (2014); Leibniz Universitaet Hannover (2013)
  • April 2011 to March 2012 Le Studium Centre for Advanced Studies research fellow at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Tours (Fr)
  • October 2009 to October 2010 Maria Goeppert Mayer visiting professor at Faculty of Architecture and landscape, Leibnitz University Hannover
  • Energiewandel und Selbstverwaltung: Energie-COPs & Wohnungsbauinitiativen
  • Ingenieurwesen/nachhaltiger Wohnungsbau, insbesondere: Instandsetzung, Integration erneuerbarer Energien, Wasserrecycling; bio-based material and construction
  • Spatial consequences of energy transition, Gender Mainstreaming in spatial development urban design
  • Gendered perspectives in Science, Technology, and Environment (GenderSTE).
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2021): Book review: Emanuele Giorgi 'the co‑housing phenomenon' (Springer 2020) Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (2021) zur Onlineveröffentlichung
  • Tummers, Lidewij and Kietzke, L (2020): innovative housing - social processes ascatalyser for housing innovations. Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur, Planungs- und Architektursoziologie; in collaboration with ecovillage hannover zur Onlineveröffentlichung
  • Tummers, Lidewij and Wankiewicz, H (2020): Smart through Gender+ Werkstattbericht. Kernthemen für eine inklusive Stadtplanung am Beispiel Linz (Austria) in: REAL CORP 2020 Proceedings/Tagungsband 2020 Editors: M.Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, C. Beyer, J. Ryser. Download available: www.corp.at ISBN 978-3-9504173-8-8 (CD), 978-3-9504173-9-5 (print)
  • Tummers, L and Wankiewicz, H (2020) Gender mainstreaming planning cultures: Why 'engendering planning' needs critical feminist theory GENDER Heft 1 zur Onlineveröffentlichung
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2019): Thematic Issue of Built Environment "Collaborative Housing: Resident and Professional Roles" Co-edited with Dr. Jasmine Palmer
  • Tummers, Lidewij and MacGregor, Sherilyn (2019): Beyond wishful thinking: a FPE perspective on commoning, care, and the promise of co-housing International Journal of the Commons, 13(1), pp.62-83. zur Onlineveröffentlichung
  • Tummers, L with Denèfle, Sylvette and Wankiewicz, Heindrun (2019): Gender mainstreaming and spatial development: contradictions and challenges. In: Ziibell, Barbara with Damyanovic, Doris and Strum, Ulrike (2019): Gendered Approaches to Spatial Development in Europe, London & New York: Routledge.
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2017) "Co-housing: a double shift in roles?" Chapter 14 in: Buckingham S and Le Masson V (eds), Understanding Climate Change through Gender Relations, London & New York: Routledge.
  • Baliga, N. and Tummers, Lidewij (2016) "Better half of Bangalore. Improving urban conditions for female white and blue collar workers". TRIA. Rivista internazionale di cultura urbanistica, pp.147-164. zur Onlineveröffentlichung
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2016), "The Re-Emergence of Self-Managed Co-Housing in Europe A Critical Review of Co-Housing Research." Urban Studies (53)10 pp. 2023-2040 DOI:10.1177/0042098015586696
  • Tummers, Lidewij (ed.) (2015) The re-emergence of co-housing in Europe. London/New York: Routledge ISBN 978-1-138-96125-8
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2015) "Selbstverwaltete Gemeinschaftswohnprojekte in den Niederlanden: von der 'alternativen Wohngemeinschaft' zu 'urban policies'" (Self-Managed Co-Housing in the Netherlands: From 'alternative Community' to 'urban policy). In: Wohnbund (ed) Europa: Gemeinsam Wohnen/ Europe: Co-operative Housing, Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH pp44-53. (pp42-51)
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2013) "Gendered Perspectives on Spatial Planning and Housing in the Netherlands." in: Sanchez de Madariaga and Marion Roberts (eds) Fair Shared Cities. The Impact of Gender Planning in Europe. London and New York: Ashgate, pp107-131.
  • Tummers, Lidewij and Niescken J (2012) "A different Way to Practise? Deutsche (Landschafts-) ArchitektInnen im internationalen Vergleich - A Transdisciplinary Education Project." Second edition of Weiter Denken, Schriftenreihe gender_archland, Hannover: LUH.
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2012). "Empowerment by Visualization: Experiences from Barcelona." Chapter 9 in: Buffery, Helena and Carlota Caulfield (eds): Barcelona: Visual Culture, Space and Power, Cardiff: University of Wales Press
  • Tummers, Lidewij and Zibell, Barbara (2012): "What Can Planners Do for the Connected City? A Gendered Reading of the New Charter of Athens." Built Environment (38)4 pp.524-39. zur Onlineveröffentlichung
  • Tummers, Lidewij (2010): To the heart of planning: is the hardware of spatial planning open to feminist alternatives? in: Ernst, Waltraut (Hrsg) Geschlecht Und Innovation. Gender-Mainstreaming Im Techno-Wissenschaftsbetrieb, Internationale Frauen- Und Genderforschung in Niedersachsen Reihe Focus Gender. LIT Verlag, Berlin-Münster-Wien-Zürich-London, pp. 117-136 .
  • Analysing and overcoming the tension between strategy and objective in gender-aware planning: towards feminist urbanism. For publication of ARL international working group on gender and spatial development (2014- 2017) www.arl-net.de/de/projekte/gender-spatial-development-%E2%80%93-perspectives-similarities-and-differences
  • Commoning engineering: shared energy and water systems in collaborative housing (publication in progress; funding applications for post-doc position)
  • Beyond wishful thinking: 'co-housing practices, gender and climate change' research and publication for 'gender' issue of the International Journal for the Study of the Commons; together with Dr Sherilyn MacGregor, Sustainable Consumption Institute, University of Manchester (UK)
  • The relevance of the Dutch 'Women Building and Housing' movement in the 1990s: a contextualised history housing (funding application in progress) follow up oft he state oft he art women in the building industry research (2005-2006)
  • Founder of the European network of Collaborative Housing Researchers, as Scientific director responsible for the first European Conference on Co-housing Research, March 11-14, 2012 at Town Hall in Tours (Fr). The network was adopted in 2016 by ENHR.
  • Co-convenor of the European WG Gender & Co-housing Research (initiated 2017).
  • Member of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
  • Participant in BauHow5 Erasmus Strategic Partnership 2017-2020; WG Gender & DIversity,to improve gender in architectural education (http://www.bauhow5.eu/)
  • Member of UN Habitat Gender HUB (for interaction between academia and professionals).